95a. Tumor

Today I did my nose checkup.
Good news is that my tumor in nose cavity is gone, ORL dr couldn’t find it with in-nose camera.

As you know, I did not go to surgery, radiology or take any drugs. But I did a lot of detox, hard detox. For more info please read posts:

8a. Natural methods for body detoxification – fire cupping

9a. Natural methods for body detoxification – diet modification

10a. Natural methods for body detoxification – physical exercise“.

Now, concerning my breathing issues, dr said they are due to narrow walls inside left nose cavity, which probably got narrower when they messed it up with tumor biopsy I did earlier.
He said we could do surgery with a potential risk of permanent bleeding from nose in some degree. I guess, if surgery goes perfect than there would be no bleeding afterwards.

Thank you!