Hello everyone!
To reduce Parkinson’s symptoms one needs to retrain his brain not to use dissociation as neurological pattern anymore. Observe your thoughts, nourish ones which are positive, good, productive, and decline ones that are not. You are in control of your thoughts. Continue reading “52b. What’s really going on here?”
51b. Staying positive no matter what
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Facing Parkinson’s diversities and staying positive can be a challenge. I encourage you not to take this lightly. Stay positive no matter what. Feed your mind with constant stream of positive thoughts. Overhaul the negative thoughts. Continue reading “51b. Staying positive no matter what”
50b. Turn thought around
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When you think anxious thought that makes you shake or stiff more turn them around, find something positive in everything. For example, in case of rain, do not say: “Oh no, rain”, but rather say: “Thank you Lord for the water!” This is kind world, but our thoughts can make it otherwise. Continue reading “50b. Turn thought around”
49b. Mind attacks
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When facing Parkinson’s one is often faced with mind attacks which make you feel anxious. Question those thoughts, face them with reality. Reality is often kinder than our mind chats. This is the only way to sanity. Continue reading “49b. Mind attacks”
48b. Surrendering to the present moment
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My belief is that universe is benevolent, but our mind interpretation sometimes makes us feel fearful. Please, be aware that your attitude determines how you feel. Why not instead of controlling everything, just let go and enjoy the ride? Continue reading “48b. Surrendering to the present moment”
47b. Destroying dissociation
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According to dr. Janice Walton-Hadlock’s book, to recover from Parkinson’s one needs to destroy dissociative pattern of thinking, that prevents him from normally using parasympathetic neurological mode in which main neurotransmitter is dopamine. Continue reading “47b. Destroying dissociation”
46b. Being relentless
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Every day when you wake up with Parkinson’s symptoms still present you must tell yourself, i still have work to do. Parkinson’s tests your resolve. Parkinson is relentless, so you must develop high persistence, you also must be relentless, but in positive attitude. Continue reading “46b. Being relentless”
45b. Using dissociation as a cause of Parkinson’s
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Dissociation is a neurological state that Parkinson’s people have learned to use in every day life. Every person has dissociation available, but he or she is not using it in everyday life, since it is a state meant to be used only in pre-death time. Parkinson’s people are addicted to this mental state. Continue reading “45b. Using dissociation as a cause of Parkinson’s”
44b. Worthy of unconditional love
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When you feel fear, please remember, you are a child of God, and worthy of unconditional love, no matter how bad you feel inside or what circumstances you are currently living in. You are loved by God, just because you exist. Let go and let God. You are enough. You are safe. Continue reading “44b. Worthy of unconditional love”
43b. Keeping faith up
Hello everyone!
Parkinson’s is like a bully in elementary school. When it feels you are fighting back, it gives you extra beating. It tests you. It gives you extra symptoms or extra life challenges. But do not give up, keep faith up, keep fighting. This is doable. Continue reading “43b. Keeping faith up”