Hello everyone!
People often think that dopamine is released when you accomplish something or things go your way. That is partly true, but dopamine is greatly released when you feel grateful for life, even with problems in that same life. Feel gratitude, feel dopamine. Continue reading “34b. Feel gratitude feel dopamine”
33b. Intellectually based healing?
Hello everyone!
Often people with Parkinson’s tend to outsmart, outhink Parkinson’s. Let me tell you, that is a wrong way. Healing from Parkinson’s must come from heart. It is a feeling not a thought. So, ignore your adrenaline driven mind and listen to your heart. Continue reading “33b. Intellectually based healing?”
32b. Abundant faith
Hello everyone!
While working on your recovery, it is vital to have faith in God, your recovery, and yourself. Sometimes it is necessary to have abundant faith to fight all symptoms, mind backchat, and all other negative issues. So, endure in fight by keeping faith unshaken. Continue reading “32b. Abundant faith”