Skype conference call

April 25, 2020 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
The Parkinson's blueprint
Skype conference call

You are welcome to join this Skype conference call. Topic of the call will be recovery modalities for Parkinson’s disease. Everyone is invited. Since people with PD are a bit shy, it will be audio only call.

Scheduled event time is for +2 UTC time zone. If you do not know how to calculate event time for your city or country, send me an email and I will help you with that. If you find time of the conference inconvenient please send me an email, and I will try to find more suitable one.

Skype conference call will be held every last Saturday each month.

To avoid unpleasant experiences with these conference calls I have decided to implement these simple rules:

    • Keeping positive attitude is a must.
    • Talk about symptoms is discouraged. This is because these calls are not meant to be therapy sessions, but rather uplifting toward recovery based talk.
    • Participation fee is 10$ for person per call. You can pay through Donate page on my blog.
My Skype name is: theparkinsonsblueprint
If you want to participate, please send me an email at:

Thank you!