16a. Four neurological modes

In her book “Stuck on pause” Dr. Janice Walton-Hadlock talks about neurological modes that human brain operates. According to Traditional Chinese medicine there are actually four neurological modes, not only two as western medicine suggests. These four modes are:

  • Parasympathetic (dominant neurotransmitter dopamine)
  • Sympathetic (dominant neurotransmitter adrenaline)
  • Pause (dominant neurotransmitter norepinephrine)
  • Sleep (mixture of neurotransmitters)

Dopamine and norepinephrine are generated in the brains, while adrenaline in adrenal gland located in the mid-back. Western medicine acknowledges only parasympathetic and sympathetic. But, this is very limited concept.

Dr. Janice says that people with PD are stuck on “Pause” mode, as name of the book suggests by itself.

On my blog I used term “dissociation“, but according to dr. Janice, correct term is “pause” which is referring to neurological mode. I still have more to learn 🙂

Thank you!