48a. Recovery symptom – feeling like a heart attack

Lately i am experiencing another recovery symptom, but most unpleasant so far.

From personal perspective, it feels like tremor from my left hand, which is mostly affected by PD has migrated to my heart.

This recovery symptom is described in dr. Janice’s book: “Recovery from Parkinson’s” (edition 2013) under section: “feeling like a heart attack”.

She has noted that some of her patients who have experienced this even went for heart checkup to see what’s wrong with their heart.

But nothing was wrong with their heart, it’s PD affecting blood pressure, heart rate, chest pain and even breathing. My breathing recovery symptom, described in post 46a. Recovery symptom – breathing issues is connected with this heart issues.

She also noted that none of her unmedicated patients had heart attack in this phase of their lives.

Moving on. I’ll keep connecting with my friend.

Thank you!