Despite what we may be believing, we are not in control of our lives.
Continue reading “103a. Surrendered life”102a. Mental toughness
When I say mental toughness, I don’t mean being emotionally numb, but rather being able to handle problems and life challenges without losing life’s joy.
Continue reading “102a. Mental toughness”101a. Old posts
Now when I read my old posts (with letter “b” in index number, like post “13b. Talking to yourself“). I find them, at least, obsolete.
Continue reading “101a. Old posts”100a. Recovery symptom – chest spasms
Lately I am experiencing some shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
Continue reading “100a. Recovery symptom – chest spasms”99a. Space
I have noticed that if you are really pushing your mind to go in certain direction, I mean really pushing hard and persistent, mind will eventually give up.
Continue reading “99a. Space”98a. Cats and Parkinson’s
I”ve just came from a walk. There was a cat, enjoying the sun and as I can tell she was totally in parasympathetic mode.
Continue reading “98a. Cats and Parkinson’s”97a. Recovery symptom – frequent urination
Few days ago I have realised I urinate, during a day and night, more often than usual.
Continue reading “97a. Recovery symptom – frequent urination”96a. Skype conference call
Let me remind you: next Skype conference call is scheduled for Saturday, December 26, 2020. at 6 pm (+2 UTC time zone). You are welcome to join.
Continue reading “96a. Skype conference call”95a. Tumor
Today I did my nose checkup.
Good news is that my tumor in nose cavity is gone, ORL dr couldn’t find it with in-nose camera.
94a. Recovery symptom – feet fungus
Today I have discovered that I have new recovery symptom – fungus on my feet. At first I thought it is psoriasis, but then I thoughts to myself: “Wait a minute, psoriasis is usually not located on feet.”
Continue reading “94a. Recovery symptom – feet fungus”