As promised in last post i now give you suggestion of methods for destroying pause as neurological pattern typical for Parkinson’s disease. In following text i will give methods i have found in dr. Janice Walton – Hadlock’s literature and have been practicing myself.
- Developing strong, constant communication with your spiritual guide (God). You can use words and even better, feelings. Literally put God first in your life. If you don’t have religious background, you can pray to Universe, Qi, Love, whatever higher being or energy that makes you feel safe and loved. Dr. Janice also suggests that, as your spiritual guide, you can use someone from your life, who has past away, but it has to be someone who made you laugh and feel safe. Idea here is to bypass your own ego driven, danger analyzing mind with feeling of security and love. This is crucial one. Please read posts: “26b. Trusting your spiritual guide“, “36b. Level of communication with spiritual guide necessary for recovery” and “68b. Trusting God no matter what“.
- Getting rid of persistent negative thoughts by exorcising them. Now, you don’t need to hire a exorcist to do it, but rather intentionally stop giving conscious energy to thoughts that make you not feel safe. This may require repetition and even forceful exorcise of negative thoughts. Please read post “25b. Banishing negative thoughts”.
- Powering through fear with joy. Please read post: “41b: Powering through“.
- Overhauling the negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Please read posts: “51b: Staying positive no matter what“, “58b. Being happy for no reason“, “59b. Being grateful for what you have” and “64b. Finding good even in bad“.
These are only basic methods for feeling safe. As long as you understand the basic idea, you can develop your own method. Whatever makes you feel safe and free to live is fine.
I suggest you develop a conscious perspective of what is going on in your mind and take control of it. Remember, you are master of your mind but you still haven’t admit it.
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