22b. Holy war

Hello everyone!
Sometimes, living every day life with Parkinson’s disease can seems like a holy war. Why do i say holy war? Every day you are engaged in fighting your adrenaline driven mind which is filled with anxiety, fear, anger, doubt and worry. You are choosing to live joyfully, happy from the heart and be talking to God every conscious moment. Continue reading “22b. Holy war”

18b. Striatum and thalamus

Hello everyone!
Today i have read some interesting facts from dr. Janice Walton-Hadlock’s book: “Stuck on pause”. Link for downloading this book, which is free of charge, is found in the description of this video. In short, striatum and thalamus are middle part of the brain, which do not work correctly in people with Parkinson’s disease, due to insufficient electrical flow in this area. Continue reading “18b. Striatum and thalamus”