Hello everyone!
Sometimes, living every day life with Parkinson’s disease can seems like a holy war. Why do i say holy war? Every day you are engaged in fighting your adrenaline driven mind which is filled with anxiety, fear, anger, doubt and worry. You are choosing to live joyfully, happy from the heart and be talking to God every conscious moment. Continue reading “22b. Holy war”
21b. Dealing with life
Hello everyone!
Life doesn’t stop happening after we got diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Life is ever changing process, sometimes stressful, sometimes enjoyable. Despite the symptoms of Parkinson’s one must face life as it rolls out. Do the best you can, but do not beat your self up for not being perfect, for not knowing all the answers. Continue reading “21b. Dealing with life”
20b. Directing your thoughts
Hello everyone!
People generally assume that we are victims of our thoughts and therefore, feelings. But we are not helpless puppets governed by our thoughts. We can consciously choose our thoughts and therefore our emotions. We can consciously direct our thoughts. Continue reading “20b. Directing your thoughts”
19b. Trauma from the past
Hello everyone!
In past of people with Parkinson’s disease, can be found a specific difficult event or events, that caused damage in person’s behavior. This event is characterized by a loss of some kind, especially loss on emotional level. Sometimes this event can be hidden from our consciousness, but usually it is not. Continue reading “19b. Trauma from the past”
18b. Striatum and thalamus
Hello everyone!
Today i have read some interesting facts from dr. Janice Walton-Hadlock’s book: “Stuck on pause”. Link for downloading this book, which is free of charge, is found in the description of this video. In short, striatum and thalamus are middle part of the brain, which do not work correctly in people with Parkinson’s disease, due to insufficient electrical flow in this area. Continue reading “18b. Striatum and thalamus”
17b. What it takes?
Hello everyone!
What it takes to step out from Parkinson’s disease to no Parkinson’s disease? What it takes to fully recover from this, so called, incurable disease? What it takes to make that subtle, invisible, healing step? All takes is changing your mindset from the head driven to the heart driven. Continue reading “17b. What it takes?”
16b. Howard Shifke’s blog
Hello everyone!
For those who search useful information on Parkinson’s disease i would highly recommend mr. Howard Shifke’s internet blog. Web address of this blog will be available in description of this video. Mr. Howard Shifke fully recovered from Parkinson’s disease by following program based on Traditional Chinese Medicine he developed by himself. Continue reading “16b. Howard Shifke’s blog”
15b. How do you feel?
Hello everyone!
When someone asks you how do you feel do not start assessing your Parkinson’s symptoms. You are not your symptoms, do not identify with them. You are not your shaking, stiff body, you are not your fearful adrenaline driven mind. You are your soul, your spirit, your essence which is pure, untouched by Parkinson’s. Continue reading “15b. How do you feel?”
14b. Talking to source of unconditional love
Good evening everyone!
After reading book “Stuck on pause” by Dr. Janice Walton-Hadlock and exchanging some emails with her i came to conclusion why it is so important to establish that link with someone outside ourselves, someone who has passed away or even God itself, if we have good relationship with God. Continue reading “14b. Talking to source of unconditional love”
13b. Talking to yourself
Good afternoon everyone!
Talking to yourself is important technique in fighting Parkinson’s disease. There are two ways you could talk to yourself. One is part of fighting your mind by talking back to negative, judgmental, adrenaline driven mind. Other is talking to yourself in comforting way like you are your best friend. Continue reading “13b. Talking to yourself”